
Thursday, September 29th 2022
Curator: Fiammetta Martegani
Thursday, September 29th 2022
Curator: Fiammetta Martegani
A VERY NARROW BRIDGE - Fifteen artists tell the one thousand and one faces of Israel
Curator: Fiammetta Martegani
Description: "Kol Ha'Olam Kulo" (The whole entire world) is a poem in Hebrew written by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: "The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the important thing is not to be afraid." According to the famous Hasidic Rabbi, knowing that every person, during life, must inevitably go through various difficulties, it is essential not to be afraid.
Each of the artists in this exhibition, at some point in their lives, had to face numerous difficulties, often due to their origins: A Jewish child of Holocaust survivors; a Palestinian Bedouin born in Gaza who had to leave his home; Jews from the Middle East who grew up in a State founded by Ashkenazi; Orthodox Jews and Muslim women, trying to find their space in “a man’s world".
All these artists together - Jews and Muslims, men and women, gay and straight, religious and agnostic - represent the many faces of Israel, trying to express their voices through the use of their native languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, as well as ancient Hebrew, transcribed with the use of ink calligraphy, as in the case of the Buddhist artist who found a spiritual home in Israel.
Thus, the purpose of this exhibition is to explore the use of the different languages and the different identities of Israel - through the artistic and aesthetic tools - to overcome our fears and to create a bridge between different cultures, religions, and identities.
Artists: Anissa Ashkar, Michael Ben Abu, Amos Biderman, Raya Bruckenthal,Tsibi Geva, Leor Grady, Kazuo Ishi, Liron Lavi Turkeinch, Dede & Nitzan, Haim Maor, Lenore Misrachi Cohen, Karam Natour, Israel Rabinovich, Khader Oshah, Ruth Noam Segal.
With the contribution of Pugliapromozione and Artis
Patronage: Ambasciata di Israele in Italia, Regione Puglia, Provincia di Lecce, Comune di Lecce, UCEI.
Sponsors: Infotab Tours, LeccEventi, Cantine Leuci, Melograni Martino, Loft Music School.