Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce

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  • Theatre show "NUM3ER1", written and directed by Stefano Ricciardi.

  • Jewish Museum Lecce

  • February 13th, 2020

The Jewish Museum Lecce, in cooperation with Riccimond&co. presentas the ITALIAN theatre show "NUM3R1", written and directed by Stefano Ricciardi and performed by Alessandra Perrone, Luigi Rucco, Eliana Durante.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH 2020 at the Jewish Museum Lecce:
- 6:30 pm - guided tour of the museum (italian);
- 7:00 pm - theatre show (italian).

This will be followed by a kosher wine tasting offered by CANTINE LEUCI (Guagnano).

TICKET € 8,00 (guided tour, theatre show and tasting).

Jewish Museum Lecce
Ph. and Whatsapp: 0832 247016

Via Umberto I n° 9 - 73100 Lecce (LE)
+39 0832 247016
(University of Salento)
Director: Prof. Fabrizio Lelli
Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce -
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Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce
In cooperation with the University of Salento
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