Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce

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The building lies between Vico della Saponea and Via Umberto I, and has a remarkable architecture and history. It is in the old giudecca, on the site of the synagogue. More than likely it had already by 1495 been consecrated as the church of Santa Maria dell’Annunziata (St. Mary of the Annunciation). A few years later, in 1589, a merchant from Bergamo (now Northern  Italy), Marco Trono, enters the scene. He lived next door to the now empty church and he decided to acquire and renovate the buildings around his house to make his residence a little more palatial. He was also given permission to create a burial space within the chapel area.
The Personè family, after whom this building was named, enter the scene in 1591. Geronimo Personè and his brother Giovanni Marco created a trading company with Marco Trono, which was to last three years. And it was during that time, in 1592, that Marco Trono was given the permission to do much more work on the area.
Regarding the  palazzo, it would be bought and sold several times until it was occupied by the well-known local musician and composer Diego Personè (born 1598, died 1654). The current owner of the ground floor and basement is Bruno Taurino. In May 2016, this underground area was made accessible for visitors to explore its history.

Via Umberto I n° 9 - 73100 Lecce (LE)
+39 0832 247016
(University of Salento)
Director: Prof. Fabrizio Lelli
MUSEO PERSONE' SAS - P.IVA: 04772910750
Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce -
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Museo Ebraico - Jewish Museum Lecce
In cooperation with the University of Salento
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